
Connnectwise control center for mac
Connnectwise control center for mac

connnectwise control center for mac

Save the step changes, and then save the changes to the script.Īfter providing the integration credentials, you have to match the clients in ConnectWise Automate with the companies in the Infrascale Dashboard. In the Script ID drop-down list, select Backup and Recovery\Infrascale\Initial Infrascale Backup Agent Install. In the Function drop-down list, select Script Run. Right-click in the table of statements, and click Add.


In the list of scripts, open Initial Software Install - Partner. In the main menu, click Automation › Scripts › View Scripts.Ĭlick Scripts › _System Automation › Onboarding. To be able to automatically deploy the backup agent to the computers in ConnectWise Automate clients, you have to add an extra step to the ConnectWise client onboarding script: Pre-configuring automatic backup agent deployment Restart any open Automate Control Center instances to apply the settings. In the Dashboard User box, enter your Infrascale Dashboard username.Ĭlick Save and close Automate Control Center. To get those, please contact Infrascale Support.


In the Web API Password box, enter your API password.Ĭurrently, there is no automatic way to obtain API username and password. In the Web API Username box, enter your API username. Go to Config › Integration › Infrascale Plugin Configuration tab: On the ConnectWise Automate server, open Automate Control Center.Ĭlick System › Configuration › Dashboard.

  • Configuring backup account and policy settingsįirst of all, you have to provide the integration credentials to connect your Infrascale Dashboard account.
  • Pre-configuring automatic backup agent deployment.
  • Summary:Primary configuration of the ConnectWise Automate environment for integration.
  • › Integrations › ConnectWise Automate › Initial Configuration Initial configuration for ConnectWise Automate integration
  • Edit Virtual Machine Client Configuration.

    On the Clients tab, right-click the name ofĪ client to uninstall the backup agent from each computer within the given client (regardless of the location, to which the computers pertain) orĪ location to uninstall the backup agent from each computer within the given location orĬlick Scripts › Computer Scripts › Backup and Recovery › Infrascale › Infrascale Backup Agent Uninstall.Ī client to download the backup agent logs from each computer within the given client (regardless of the location, to which the computers pertain) orĪ location to download the backup agent logs from each computer within the given location orĬlick Scripts › Computer Scripts › Backup and Recovery › Infrascale › Download Infrascale Backup Agent Logs. On the Clients tab, right-click the name of a computer (on the Computers tab). On the Clients tab, right-click the name of a location. Location-wide deployment suggests installing the backup agent on each computer in a specific location.

    connnectwise control center for mac

    You can automatically deploy the backup agent to all computers in a client, when mapping ConnectWise Automate clients with Infrascale companies. Select Infrascale Backup Agent Auto Deploy. On the Clients tab, right-click the name of a client, and then click Open. On the Clients tab, right-click the name of a client.Ĭlick Scripts › Computer Scripts › Backup and Recovery › Infrascale › Install/Update Infrascale Backup Agent. Select Infrascale exclude computer from auto deploy, and then click Save.Ĭlient-wide deployment allows you to install the backup agent on each computer in each location in a specific client. In the top menu, click Automation ( ), and then click the Extra Data Fields tile. On the Computers tab, right-click the name of a computer, and then click Open.

    connnectwise control center for mac

    On the Clients tab, click the desired location. Select Infrascale exclude location from auto deploy. On the Clients tab, right-click the name of a location, and then click Open. On the ConnectWise Automate server, open Automate Control Center, and go to Browse. When deploying the backup agent at a location level, you can exclude individual computers. When deploying the backup agent at a client (company) level, you can exclude locations or individual computers. This feature allows to exclude a location or a computer from the deployment of the backup agent. You can deploy the backup agent at a client (company) level, at a location level, or to an individual computer.īefore deploying, consider the deployment exclusion options described below. Summary:Deploy or remove the backup agent to or from the ConnectWise Automate computers.› Integrations › ConnectWise Automate › Backup Agent Backup agent setup within ConnectWise Automate integration

    Connnectwise control center for mac